Utility Industry

People Depend on You to Deliver Reliable and Affordable Power. We Empower Your Workers to Stay Safe, Healthy and Productive.

We Understand the Utility Industry

In the utility industry, you’re the unsung heroes keeping the lights on and the water running to allow people to live and work safely. It’s labor intensive. It’s long hours. It’s full of physical and mental stress. But with ATI Worksite Solutions, you can have a healthier and more productive workforce.

We’re scalable. We’re sustainable. We’re where you’re at. Backed by the largest provider of physical therapy in America, we work with you to understand your needs, provide lifelong wellness benefits to all your employees.

Make Your Field Crews, Operations and Support Staff Safer

We work in the utility industry and other industries with similar stress and pressures. We understand the work you do, the problems you face and the solutions that work.

A Physically Demanding Job

Standing. Lifting. Digging. Pulling. Carrying. The inherent demands of the utility industry play havoc on joints, muscles and tendons. We can work with your employees to prevent both sudden and chronic injuries.

A Mobile Workforce

Your workforce is in the field for most of the day, you need a healthcare solution that meets your employees in the field, where coaching and care are most crucial.

Long Hours

Emergencies and disasters can strike at any time — regardless of when your employees are on the clock. We’re there for your employees when they need it most.

How On-Site Intervention Reduced OSHA Recordables by 21%

See how our Certified Early Intervention Specialist (CEIS) reduced a client’s OSHA Recordables, as well as restricted workdays.

See Case Study

Beyond Work: Creating Lifelong Wellness for Your Employees

Occupational health is just one component to lifelong wellness. We help employees and their families live better lives by individualized case management.

We’ll give them the programs and tools they need to live their full lives. This includes:

  • Nutrition guidance and education
  • Exercise tips and training
  • How to deal with the severity and duration of physical demand
  • Education around proper body mechanics
  • Staying healthy as you age
  • Working with families for better meal prep and dietary habits

This isn’t a requirement or a rule you have to follow. We’re here for anyone who wants to make a positive difference in their lives.

Our Utility Industry Worker Health Programs

Our programs are designed for your employees in a cherry picker or a cubicle; digging a trench or calling a residential customer. We’re on your team.

Onsite Healthcare Programs

We’re at your employee’s side when they are loading up at your hub and when they are fixing lines in the field. We help improve employee work habits, prevent injuries and boost overall health and wellness where and when they need it.

Ergonomics and Safety

The utilities industry demands a certain level of physical capability from your employees. We can help ensure your workforce is capable of completing essential job functions in addition to identifying, quantifying and mitigating the risk that your teams face.

Protect Your Business and Your Employees

Let us help you implement the best safety, health and wellness practices for your industry. Connect with us to get a dedicated professional solely committed to improving your every process.

Improve my workplace safety