Paper Manufacturing Industry

Paper Doesn’t Make Itself, so We’ll Let That be Your Top Priority. Let us Keep Your Workers Safe, Healthy and Productive.

We Understand the Paper Manufacturing Industry

You are innovative, progressive, and always resource conscious in the paper manufacturing industry — from sustainable resource procurement to your most important asset — your people. With ATI Worksite Solutions, you can have a safer and more productive worksite.

We’re scalable. We’re sustainable. We’re backed by the largest provider of physical therapy in America. We work with you to understand your needs and provide lifelong wellness benefits to all your employees.

Make Your Paper Manufacturing Business Safer

We’ve worked in the paper manufacturing industry and other industries with similar stresses and pressures. We understand the kind of work you do and understand how to make it better.

A Physically Demanding Job

From the first touch of a log until a finished product leaves for distribution, there are many physical risks in the paper manufacturing industry. They can play havoc on joints, muscles and tendons. We can create better workflows, help employees correct bad habits and prevent both sudden and chronic injuries.

Interfacing with Machines

Whether you’ve used the same machinery or technology for the last fifty years or are continually innovating, the relationship between man and machine provides the opportunity for injury. We can help educate your workforce on the safest way to approach these relationships to reduce the risk of injury and increase productivity, safely.

An Aging Workforce

Every year in America, the average age of the physical laborer increases. With that increase comes implications of a longer history of exposure to physical stress, a decreased ability to cope with physical stress and reduced balance and proprioception. These are challenges we understand, encounter and have solutions for, in order to facilitate total worker health.

How Early Intervention Reduced DART rate by 53% and Workers Compensation Costs by 58%

Injuries were trending higher than the previous year in the field and the plant. See how we stopped discomfort by providing proactive first aid care at the time and place of care.

See Case Study

Beyond Work: Creating Lifelong Wellness for Your Employees

Occupational health is just one component to lifelong wellness. We help employees and their families live better lives by individualized case management.

We’ll give them the programs and tools they need to live their full lives. This includes:

  • Nutrition guidance and education
  • Exercise tips and training
  • How to deal with the severity and duration of physical demand
  • Education around proper body mechanics
  • Staying healthy as you age
  • Working with families for better meal prep and dietary habits

This isn’t a requirement or a rule you have to follow. We’re here for anyone who wants to make a positive difference in their lives.

Our Paper Manufacturing Worker Health Programs

Our programs are designed for employees operating a press or a computer; moving logs in a mill or boxes of paper in a semi-truck. We’re your solution.

Onsite Healthcare Programs

We come to your worksite and help you create safer processes, improve employee work habits, prevent injuries, and boost overall wellness. We bring healthcare to your employees’ workstation so they get proactive care when and where they need it.

Ergonomics and Safety

We can help you discover, quantify, and mitigate physical risk onsite. We work with your employees to make their jobs easier and their worksites safer, improve compliance, and help you make the shift towards a safety-focused culture.

Protect Your Business and Your Employees

Let us help you implement the best safety, health and wellness practices for your industry. Connect with us to get a dedicated professional solely committed to improving your every process.

Improve my workplace safety