Glass Manufacturers

You Have Glass to Make. We’ll Help Keep Your Workers Safe, Healthy and Productive.

We Understand the Glass Manufacturing Industry

Whether you’re shipping glass products to a local brewery or a national chain, you have products to make and deadlines to meet. It’s fast paced. It’s repetitive. It’s full of physical and mental stress. But with ATI Worksite Solutions, you can have a healthier and more productive worksite.

We’re scalable. We’re sustainable. We’re backed by the largest provider of physical therapy in America. We work with you to understand your needs and provide lifelong wellness benefits to all your employees.

Make Your Glass Manufacturing Business Safer

We’ve worked in a variety of manufacturing environments, from glass bottle manufacturing to complete airplane assembly. We understand what kind of work you do, the problems you face, and the solutions that work.

Heat Illness Risk

Working around large ovens puts your employees at heat illness risk. Proper hydration is only part of the solution. We take a holistic approach and factor in sleep and nutrition to put them in the best possible position to stay healthy and productive.

A Physically Demanding Job

Pushing. Lifting. Standing. Bending. Glass manufacturing can be a physically demanding process, putting joints, tendons and muscles at risk. We can create better workflows, help employees correct bad habits and prevent both sudden and chronic injuries.

Repetitive Processes

As the level of production increases, so does the bottom line, but at the cost of physical health. Repetitive processes without job rotation and biomechanical coaching can put localized tissue at risk, without the relief rendered from diverse movements.

How Occupational Medicine Reduces OSHA Recordable Injuries by 52%

Musculoskeletal injuries, employee’s physical preparedness, and high time and financial cost of referrals can be pain points. See how a dedicated team can cut OSHA recordables and workers compensation costs in half.

See Case Study

Beyond Work: Creating Lifelong Wellness for Your Employees

Occupational health is just one component to lifelong wellness. We help employees and their families live better lives by individualized case management.

We’ll give them the programs and tools they need to live their full lives. This includes:

  • Nutrition guidance and education
  • Exercise tips and training
  • How to deal with the severity and duration of physical demand
  • Education around proper body mechanics
  • Staying healthy as you age
  • Working with families for better meal prep and dietary habits

This isn’t a requirement or a rule you have to follow. We’re here for anyone who wants to make a positive difference in their lives.

Our Glass Manufacturing Worker Health Programs

Our programs are designed for employees who load raw materials or final products; manage a production line or client relationships. We’re on your team.

Onsite Healthcare Programs

We come to your worksite and help you create safer processes, improve employee work habits, prevent injuries and boost overall wellness. We bring healthcare to the work stations, so your employees receive proactive care where and when they need it.

Ergonomics and Safety

The effects of physically demanding, repetitive movements can be reduced or mitigated by ensuring the ergonomic layout of production puts employees in a position to succeed. We work with your employees to make their jobs easier and their worksite safer.

Protect Your Business and Your Employees

Let us help you implement the best safety, health and wellness practices for your industry. Connect with us to get a dedicated professional solely committed to improving your every process.

Improve my workplace safety